715-634-2161| Open: Mon 10-5pm, Tues 10-7pm, Wed-Fri 10-5pm, Sat 10-1 pm. Curbside available. hlibrary@hayward.wislib.org


Thank you to everyone who joined us for the snowshoe hike on February 9, 2022. It was great to work with Landmark Conservancy, who sponsored the program, and to hear from Carol Heinrich and Frank Pratt about the library trail. Emily Stone, Naturalist from the Cable Natural History Museum taught us so much about the trail.  If you weren’t able to make it please listen to Emily’s description of the trail in winter and in the other three seasons by clicking on the following link: https://weisscommunitylibrary.com/library-nature-trail/.  A big thanks to Jerry Wright and the HASTA trail groomers for grooming the trail throughout the year.  Don’t forget we have the StoryWalk along the trail and the current book is  “Pumpkin Soup” by Helen Cooper which is also accessible during the winter.