715-634-2161| Open: Mon 10-5pm, Tues 10-7pm, Wed-Fri 10-5pm, Sat 10-1 pm. Curbside available. hlibrary@hayward.wislib.org
Join us for a Zoom Program Presented by Sue Reinardy, Master Gardener

April 7, 2022, 10 am-Noon
  • This program highlights a variety of methods, some old and some new, to garden in small spaces.
  • New Trends in vertical landscaping include the use of trellises, raised beds, or even walls to grow both ornamental plants and vegetables.
  • Lasagna and square foot gardening are mainstays and allow intensive gardening in a small area.
  • You will get in-depth information on both time-tested methods and the new techniques in this class
  • If you’re into gardening, check out the display in our entry and take part in a Gardener’s Quiz and have a chance at winning a gardening book.

    Register for the Zoom program or call 715-634-2161 if you have any questions.