715-634-2161| Open: Mon 10-5pm, Tues 10-7pm, Wed-Fri 10-5pm, Sat 10-1 pm. Curbside available. hlibrary@hayward.wislib.org

There’s lots to love about NWLN libraries!

Let us know how has your library made your life better
Tell us why you love your library for a chance to win a prize!
Submit your story by February 28, 2025, for a chance to win a
$50 VISA Gift Card!
Please submit your story electronically at the link: https://forms.gle/yhNRrsmEHK3KC1Ya6
or use the QR Code above!
Your library also has a paper copy available for you to fill out!
Enter your story for a chance to win one of three $50 Visa Gift Cards.
Drawing will be held after February 28, 2025.